Monday, August 20, 2012


I have recently become addicted to Vintage Pyrex! Here is some of my collection.

Cinderella bowl from the Friendship collection

The beautiful blue cinderella bowl is my newest piece! I love it!!!
I found it at an antique store for less than $20!

My husbands grandmother had these in her garage and didn't want them so I snatched them up in a heartbeat! We will be cleaning her garage out soon and I'll be on the look out for more Pyrex!
She also gave me a mixing bowl from the friendship collection, not pictured because I had just used it. 

Love the friendship collection! I am not sure what the collection with the daisy/sunflower on it is called. I have another like it only orange. I have a few more that I didn't take pictures of because they were dirty. Yes I use them on a daily basis. I just display them on my shelf because I love to look at them!

{one more PYREX picture!!}


  1. Love love! I can't believe you found that big blue cinderella bowl for less than $20!! Where??

  2. I'm so jealous of all your Pyrex. :( We need to finish our room & get through all these birthdays and Christmas so I can GO SHOPPING! :D



My Repurposed Life